2024.08.07 18:49Nation

立民代表選、来月23日投開票 泉、枝野両氏が出馬意向


2024.08.07 18:49Nation

Opposition CDP to Hold Leadership Poll on Sept. 23

The main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan decided Wednesday to hold a leadership election on Sept. 23 before the term of its current leader, Kenta Izumi, expires at the end of September.
   Izumi, 50, and former party leader Yukio Edano, 60, have reportedly told their aides that they will run in the leadership race.
   With the CDP eyeing a change of government in the next House of Representatives election, the main issue of the leadership poll is expected to be cooperation among opposition parties, including the CDP's relations with the Japanese Communist Party.
   The schedule for the leadership election, including the Sept. 7 start of the official campaign period, is expected to be approved at a general meeting of CDP lawmakers.
   The CDP apparently hopes to draw attention by holding a leadership election around the same time as the ruling Liberal Democratic Party.


