2024.08.01 15:43Nation

元「C-C-B」メンバーを逮捕 覚醒剤所持容疑―関東信越厚生局


2024.08.01 15:43Nation

Ex-Member of Japanese Rock Group C-C-B Nabbed over Drug

A 63-year-old former member of Japanese rock band C-C-B was arrested in June for allegedly possessing stimulants at his home in Tokyo, investigative sources said Thursday.
   The narcotics control department of the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry's Kanto-Shinetsu Regional Bureau of Health and Welfare, located in the city of Saitama, north of Tokyo, arrested Tomoharu Taguchi on suspicion of violating the stimulants control law.
   He was found to have possessed 0.585 gram of a stimulant drug, worth some 38,000 yen in street value, at his home on June 18.
   The bureau referred Taguchi to public prosecutors for alleged use as well as possession of stimulants, and the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office indicted him on both charges. The Kanto-Shinetsu bureau has not disclosed whether he admitted to the charges.
   In September 2015, Taguchi was ruled guilty of violating the law in a trial at Yokohama District Court in Kanagawa Prefecture, south of Tokyo. Taguchi was arrested again in 2016, while he was on probation, by the Kanagawa prefectural police department on suspicion of using stimulants.


