2020.03.09 18:15Nation

自粛要請継続、中旬にも是非 大規模イベント―新型コロナで加藤厚労相


2020.03.09 18:15Nation

Japan May Shortly Decide Continued Restraints on Big Events

The Japanese government may decide in mid-March whether to keep in place its request for large-scale events to be restrained amid the spread of the new coronavirus, health minister Katsunobu Kato said Monday.
   "It will take two weeks to see the results of a series of measures and a subsequent week to analyze" their effectiveness, Kato told a meeting of the Budget Committee of the House of Councillors, the upper chamber of the Diet, Japan's parliament, referring to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's request on Feb. 26 for restraints on big events and his call the following day for emergency closures of schools across the nation.
   "We'll make a decision" on whether to keep the request related to big events intact based on the analysis, Kato added.
   On economic impacts of the virus spread, Abe told the meeting, "On top of falls in the number of visitors from abroad, worries are mounting about whether production lines at factories can be maintained."
   "We'll implement sufficient economic and fiscal measures as needed" to cancel out the impact of the viral outbreak, he added.


