特措法改正案、10日に閣議決定へ 野党、緊急事態「事前承認」を要求―新型コロナ
Japan's Cabinet to Adopt Bill to Fight Coronavirus on Tues.
The cabinet of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is set to adopt on Tuesday a bill to fight the spread of the COVID-19 new coronavirus for submission to the Diet, the country's parliament, soon.
The bill to revise the special law on measures against new influenza is expected to be enacted on Friday.
Meanwhile, a group of opposition parties, including the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, adopted on Monday a plan to seek modification to the bill, aiming to require the prime minister to obtain prior consent from the Diet for declaring a state of emergency under the law.
Under the government bill, which seeks to cover COVID-19, as well as new flu, the governors of the country's 47 prefectures would be allowed to, among other things, request local residents to refrain from going outside if the prime minister declares a state of emergency in case of a rapid increase in infections with the virus nationwide.
The bill maintains an existing provision of the law that the prime minister is required to report the state of emergency declaration to the Diet. It does not seek prior Diet approval for such a declaration.