2024.06.28 21:36Nation

電気・ガス補助、月2125円 8月再開、10月に減額―政府


2024.06.28 21:36Nation

Japan to Cut Utility Bills by 2,125 Yen Per Month

The Japanese government said Friday that it will provide subsidies in August and September to slash electricity and city gas bills by 2,125 yen per month for an average household.
   The subsidies will be 4 yen per kilowatt-hour of electricity and 17.5 yen per cubic meter of city gas, industry minister Ken Saito told a news conference.
   The government will cut the subsidy amount in October to 2.5 yen per kilowatt-hour of electricity and 10 yen per cubic meter of city gas.
   Until April, it provided subsidies of 3.5 yen per kilowatt-hour of electricity and 15 yen per cubic meter of city gas. The subsidies were halved in May and then ended.
   At a news conference on June 21, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said that his government would restart the subsidy program to cushion the impact of rising prices on households.


