2024.06.18 20:12Nation

核燃料冷却設備が一時停止 電源落ち、煙確認―福島第1原発


2024.06.18 20:12Nation

Spent Fuel Cooling System Stops at Fukushima No. 1 Plant

Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. said Tuesday a spent nuclear fuel cooling system came to a halt at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant the same day due to a power outage.
   According to TEPCO, the No. 6 reactor building's main power supply went off at 8:33 a.m. and the pump to send cooling water stopped. Two minutes later, a fire alarm was activated and smoke was seen. But no fire was confirmed by firefighters.
   The operator of the plant, crippled by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami, plans to restart the cooling system by switching to the emergency power supply as soon as it completes safety checks.
   TEPCO also said the system outage has posed no immediate problem on some 1,400 spent nuclear fuel assemblies kept in the storage pool at the building because they are sufficiently cooled.


