2020.03.04 16:47Nation

同性「事実婚」に法的保護 「婚姻に準じる関係」―不貞行為に賠償命令・東京高裁


2020.03.04 16:47Nation

Tokyo High Court Backs Legal Coverage for Same-Sex Partnership

Tokyo High Court said Wednesday that people of the same sex in de facto marriage should be entitled to the same legally protected benefits as those enjoyed by heterosexual couples in quasi-marriage.
   The court adopted the view in its ruling on a case in which a woman in her 30s claimed that her relationship with a female partner had collapsed due to the partner's infidelity and demanded damages from the former partner. They had married in the United States.
   The ruling was the first by a high court in Japan recognizing legal protection for a person in de facto marriage with a same-sex partner, according to the plaintiff's lawyer.
   The high court upheld a lower court ruling that ordered the former partner to pay about 1.1 million yen in damages to the plaintiff.
   In the September 2019 ruling, the Moka branch of Utsunomiya District Court said that Japan's Constitution cannot be interpreted as denying same-sex marriage and that same-sex people in quasi-marriage relationships can be given legal protection.


