2020.03.04 12:35Nation

生活保護世帯、26年ぶりに減 18年度、雇用状況改善で―厚労省


2020.03.04 12:35Nation

Japan Households on Welfare Decrease for 1st Time in 26 Years

The monthly average number of households on welfare in Japan in fiscal 2018 fell 0.2 pct from the previous year to 1,637,422, down for the first time in 26 years, the welfare ministry said Wednesday.
   The ministry believes that the drop reflected improved conditions in the job market in recent years.
   In the fiscal year that ended in March last year, the average monthly number of people who received welfare benefits fell 1.3 pct to 2,096,838.
   Excluding households on welfare whose payments were suspended, the number of households with elderly recipients rose 2.0 pct to 882,022, while the number of recipient households consisting only of mothers and their children fell 6.4 pct to 86,579. Households with disabled, injured or sick recipients totaled 412,282, down 1.7 pct.
   Of the reasons for starting to receive welfare benefits in fiscal 2018, 38.8 pct, the largest group, cited a lack of savings, followed by 23.4 pct who cited injuries or illnesses.


