2024.05.29 19:37Nation

保有国債、含み損9.4兆円 日銀、金利上昇で―24年3月期決算


2024.05.29 19:37Nation

BOJ's Latent Losses on JGBs Reach 9.4 T. Yen at End of FY 2023

The Bank of Japan said Wednesday that unrealized losses on its holdings of Japanese government bonds swelled to 9,433.7 billion yen at the end of fiscal 2023 from 157.1 billion yen a year earlier, hitting a record high for the end of a fiscal year.
   The central bank's JGB holdings increased 1.4 pct to a record 589,663.4 billion yen.
   In July and October 2023, the BOJ made policy tweaks to increase the flexibility of its yield curve control policy, which aimed to guide the key 10-year JGB yield around zero pct. In March 2024, it ended its negative interest rate policy.
   These moves by the BOJ fueled upward pressure on JGB yields, or downward pressure on JGB prices. The benchmark 10-year yield was above 0.7 pct at the end of March 2024, up from above 0.3 pct a year before.
   As the BOJ uses an accounting method that assumes JGBs are held to maturity, valuation losses are not reflected in its financial statements. However, if such losses raise concerns about the BOJ's financial position, it could cause turmoil in financial markets.


