2024.04.16 15:33Nation

自前パビリオン40カ国程度に減 吉村氏、簡易型移行促す―大阪万博


2024.04.16 15:33Nation

Self-Built Foreign Pavilions at Osaka Expo to Decrease to About 40

The number of countries slated to build their own pavilions for the 2025 World Exposition in the western Japan city of Osaka is expected to decrease to about 40, Hirofumi Yoshimura, governor of Osaka Prefecture, said Tuesday.
   "Considering various circumstances, I think there will be around 40," Yoshimura, head of the prefecture that is home to the Expo host city, told reporters, referring to the number of Type A self-built pavilions.
   Construction of foreign pavilions has been slow, as participating countries face difficulties in signing contracts with Japanese construction firms amid high material and labor costs.
   Of the 60 countries initially slated to build Type A pavilions, four have decided to use a Type C shared pavilion while three have shifted to Type X simple pavilions to be built partially by the Japanese side.
   Two countries including Mexico have canceled their participation in the Expo.


