2024.04.15 15:26Nation

自民新ポスター、AIで作成 首相発言学習「経済再生」前面

 自民党は15日、政治活動用の新たなポスターを発表した。キャッチコピーの作成に同党として初めて生成AI(人工知能)を活用。岸田文雄首相(党総裁)が注力する賃上げの動きが広がりつつあることを踏まえ、白地に赤い字で「経済再生 実感をあなたに。」と大書した。

2024.04.15 15:26Nation

AI Creates Japan Ruling Party's New Poster Slogan

Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party on Monday unveiled its first poster featuring a catchphrase created using generative artificial intelligence.
   The slogan, written in red on a white background, pledges to the public a real feeling of economic revitalization, amid Prime Minister and LDP President Fumio Kishida's drive to raise wages to fuel economic growth.
   Generative AI tools, including ChatGPT, studied Kishida's remarks and party policy documents over the past three years to draw up drafts, according to people familiar with the matter.
   The AI-crafted slogan was chosen after LDP executives screened more than 500 candidate phrases, including ones proposed by copywriters.
   "This doesn't mean at all that an election will be called soon," Takuya Hirai, chair of the LDP's Public Relations Headquarters, told a news conference, referring to speculation that Kishida will call a snap general election as early as June.


