2024.03.03 14:58Nation

参院政倫審、野党「32人出席を」 自民、特別委設置に前向き―4日から予算委


2024.03.03 14:58Nation

Opposition Again Demands 32 Upper House Members Face Ethics Panel

Japanese opposition parties on Sunday reiterated their request that 32 lawmakers of the House of Councillors, the upper chamber of the country's parliament, appear before a parliamentary panel on political ethics over a money scandal rocking the ruling Liberal Democratic Party.
   Speaking in a television program the same day, senior opposition party officials also said that the Upper House's Deliberative Council on Political Ethics should hold hearings for the 32 lawmakers in a fully open setting.
   The 32 lawmakers are those who failed to record in political funds reports some funds such as kickbacks paid from revenues raised at fundraising parties hosted by their LDP factions. Hiroshige Seko, former LDP secretary-general in the Upper House, is among them.
   "It is important to have all of the 32 offer explanations," Yoshitaka Saito, who heads the main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan's Diet affairs panel in the Upper House, told the TV program. "Without that, we can't get to the bottom of the matter."
   Takumi Shibata, Upper House parliamentary affairs chief of opposition Nippon Ishin no Kai (Japan Innovation Party), also demanded all of the 32 lawmakers face the ethics panel.


