2024.03.01 12:09Nation

立民、予算委員長の解任案提出 与党、きょう中採決目指す


2024.03.01 12:09Nation

Japan Lower House Budget Panel Chief Faces Dismissal Motion

The main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan submitted a motion Friday to dismiss Itsunori Onodera, chairman of the Budget Committee of the House of Representatives.
   The move is aimed at blocking a vote on the government's fiscal 2024 draft budget from taking place at the lower chamber of the Diet, the country's parliament, within the day, after Onodera, a member of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, on Thursday used his authority to decide to put the budget bill to a vote at the committee on Friday.
   The dismissal motion, submitted to the Lower House, forced Friday's committee meeting to begin in the afternoon, instead of in the morning as scheduled. The LDP-led ruling bloc plans to vote down the motion at a Lower House plenary meeting Friday, and then put the draft budget to a vote at both the committee and the plenary meeting within the day.
   Ahead of the vote on the budget, the committee is set to hold intensive deliberations on various issues at home and abroad with Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and others in attendance.
   The CDP decided to submit the motion at an emergency meeting of its executives Friday morning.


