2024.02.29 20:29Nation

予算案、1日にも衆院通過 職権で採決へ、野党抵抗の構え


2024.02.29 20:29Nation

Japan Lower House Panel to Take Vote on FY 2024 Budget Fri.

Japan's House of Representatives Budget Committee on Thursday decided to take a vote on the government's fiscal 2024 budget Friday.
   Chairman Itsunori Onodera exercised his authority to make the decision, hoping that the budget will clear the all-important lower chamber of the country's parliament within Friday for an enactment during the current fiscal year.
   Opposition parties, however, have objected to such a schedule, citing insufficient deliberations. The Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan plans to submit a motion to dismiss Onodera as the committee's leader.
   For the budget, the ruling camp hopes to squeeze in five-hour intensive deliberations and a two-hour question-and-answer session before the budget is put to a vote at the committee and then the full lower chamber Friday.
   These would take place in parallel with second-day hearings at the chamber's Deliberative Council on Political Ethics over a political funds scandal involving factions of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party.


