2024.02.29 18:28Nation

大谷選手が結婚 日本人女性と―米大リーグ・ドジャース


 大谷 翔平(おおたに・しょうへい)岩手・花巻東高から13年にドラフト1位で日本ハムに入団。投打の両方で活躍し「日本のベーブ・ルース」の異名を取る。16年に日本一に貢献し、パ・リーグ最優秀選手(MVP)。米大リーグのエンゼルスに移籍した18年には新人王に選ばれた。21年に投手で9勝、打者で46本塁打をマークし、ア・リーグMVP。23年には日本選手初の本塁打王(44本)に輝き、投げても10勝で2度目のMVP。同年オフにフリーエージェントとなり、ドジャースに移籍した。193センチ。右投げ左打ち。29歳。岩手県出身。(2024/02/29-18:28)

2024.02.29 18:28Nation

Baseball Star Ohtani Announces Marriage to Japanese Woman

U.S. Major League Baseball superstar Shohei Ohtani from Japan has announced that his bachelor days are over.
   In an Instagram post released Thursday Japan time, the 29-year-old said he has married a Japanese woman.
   "We hope that two of us (and one dog) will work together, support each other and move forward together with my fans," he said. The post included a photograph of his dog, Dekopin.
   He is set to meet the press Thursday.
   After spending six seasons with the Los Angeles Angels, Ohtani became a free agent and moved to the Los Angeles Dodgers on a 10-year-contract worth 700 million dollars. During the off-season, he worked on rehabilitating his right elbow, which was operated on last September.


