2024.02.29 07:09Nation

デジタル赤字、5.5兆円 DX進展で拡大基調―23年


2024.02.29 07:09Nation

Japan's Digital Trade Deficit Continues to Expand

Japan's digital services trade deficit has been widening, reflecting progress in so-called digital transformation in the country.
   According to the Finance Ministry's preliminary balance of payments report for 2023, the deficit stood at 3.7 trillion yen, up 2.6-fold from 2014, when comparable data became available. It eroded Japan's overall current account balance, which was 20.6 trillion yen in the black, while goods exports and net primary income were the largest on record.
   Japanese people have increased their access to fixed-rate video streaming and other overseas digital services promoted through cloud systems, online advertising and smartphone apps, experts observe.
   The ministry says the digital-related services trade account covers royalties chiefly for copyrights, and fees for telecommunication, computer and information services as well as for professional and management consulting. These services, including email and social media, are now used by most of businesses and individuals.
   When it comes to telecommunication, computer and information services, some 35 pct of Japanese payments went to the United States in 2022, according the ministry's BOP data.


