2024.02.28 21:20Nation

ロシアと文化交流再開へ 侵攻終結後の条約交渉視野―武藤大使


2024.02.28 21:20Nation

Japan to Resume Cultural Exchanges with Russia

Japan will resume cultural and people-to-people exchanges with Russia this year, ending the suspension due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Japanese Ambassador to Russia Akira Muto said Wednesday.
   In his first press conference since he took office in December last year, Muto said that the Group of Seven major powers including Japan must maintain unity in implementing sanctions against Russia.
   But he also said it is necessary to rebuild Tokyo's relations with Moscow in light of the prolonged fighting in Ukraine.
   After the end of the conflict, it would be eventually essential to conclude a World War II peace treaty between Japan and Russia, he told the press conference in Moscow.
   It is therefore necessary to foster mutual understanding through dialogue with Russia, Muto said.


