2024.02.27 19:49Nation

宝塚歌劇団、パワハラ認める 否定一転、謝罪意向も―団員急死、遺族側弁護士が会見


2024.02.27 19:49Nation

Takarazuka Revue Admits Power Harassment against Dead Member

Japanese musical theater company Takarazuka Revue has admitted that a member who died last year was subjected to power harassment, a lawyer for the bereaved family said Tuesday.
   According to the lawyer, Takarazuka Revue has indicated its readiness to apologize. The all-female musical theater company had consistently denied power harassment.
   In a report released last November, Takarazuka Revue did not recognize any bullying or harassment through probes that followed the death of the 25-year-old member of the company, based in the western city of Takarazuka.
   In response to the report, the bereaved family submitted a statement claiming that there were at least 15 counts of power harassment against the deceased member, including one instance where a senior member had purposefully pressed a hot hair iron against the member's forehead.
   The bereaved family also asked for an apology.


