2024.02.26 16:04Nation

コロナ、インフルともに減少 最多は石川と福岡―厚労省


2024.02.26 16:04Nation

COVID-19, Flu Cases Down in Japan in Week to Feb. 18

The numbers of new novel coronavirus and influenza cases each fell in Japan in the week to Feb. 18, the health ministry said Monday.
   The number of new COVID-19 cases stood at 10.10 per medical institution in the seven-day period, down by 3.65 from the previous week, based on cases reported by about 5,000 regularly monitored medical institutions across the country.
   By prefecture, Ishikawa logged the highest figure per medical institution, at 15.48, followed by Ibaraki, at 15.46, and Gifu, at 15.16. The number also topped 14 in Miyagi, Nagano and Aichi.
   The number of new influenza cases in Japan came to 20.64 per medical institution in the same week, down by 3.29 from the preceding week. The number of new cases was above the alert level of 10 in 41 prefectures.
   Fukuoka reported the highest figure, at 37.07, and Akita the lowest, at 5.45.


