2024.02.05 19:55Nation

自民、政府の「育成就労」案了承 転籍制限「1~2年」


2024.02.05 19:55Nation

Japan LDP OKs Govt's New Training Scheme for Foreign Workers

A special committee of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party approved Monday the government's plan for a new training system for unskilled foreign workers to replace the current technical intern training program.
   The plan includes setting the period for restricting employer changes under the new system between one and two years, depending on the business sector, for the time being.
   The government is expected to adopt the plan at a meeting of related ministers this month and submit related legislation to the current session of the Diet, Japan's parliament.
   The current foreign trainee program prohibits workers from changing employers for the first three years in principle.
   A government panel of experts had called for the period to be set at one year under the new system, while the LDP had demanded that the period be at least two years.


