2024.02.03 13:37Nation

「認知症がん患者、対応に苦慮」 拠点病院97%が回答―対がん協会


2024.02.03 13:37Nation

Survey Finds Difficulties Dealing with Cancer Patients with Dementia

Many hospitals in Japan have experienced difficulties dealing with cancer patients with dementia, a survey by the Japan Cancer Society showed Saturday.
   The survey was carried out in April-June 2023 for 451 hospitals designated by the health minister to provide high-quality treatment to cancer patients, with 256 of them, or 57 pct, giving responses.
   Of the respondents, 250 hospitals, or 97.7 pct, said they have had difficulties dealing with cancer patients with dementia.
   With multiple answers allowed, 93.2 pct said such patients cannot make their own decisions on treatment, followed by 76.7 pct, which said there are patients having no family members to support their treatment at home.
   Meanwhile, 63.1 pct said that appropriate dietary management, such as nutritional balance and the number of meals, is difficult, and 59.8 pct said that some patients refuse to undergo rehabilitation during hospitalization.


