2024.02.01 07:05Nation

志賀原発、相次いだトラブル 変圧器故障、情報混乱も―審査の長期化、不可避・能登半島地震


2024.02.01 07:05Nation

Jan. 1 Quake Caused Many Problems to Shika N-Plant

The 7.6-magnitude earthquake in central Japan about a month ago caused a series of problems, such as oil leaks from a transformer and power transmission line damage, to the Shika nuclear power plant in Ishikawa Prefecture.
   Tremors from the Jan. 1 earthquake partially exceeded assumptions by Hokuriku Electric Power Co., the operator of the nuclear plant in the town of Shika, where the temblor measured 7, the highest level on Japan's seismic intensity scale.
   Also, it has been pointed out that active faults may have moved jointly in a wide area, causing the giant earthquake, which mainly struck the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa.
   Both the No. 1 and No. 2 reactors at the Shika plant have been idled since March 2011, with a total of 1,657 nuclear fuel assemblies in spent fuel storage pools being cooled using external power sources.
   The No. 2 reactor is now being screened by the Nuclear Regulation Authority as Hokuriku Electric is aiming to bring it back online. But the inspection is expected to take much longer, following the string of problems brought on by the quake.


