2024.02.02 08:20Nation

ボランティア受け入れに時間 一律対応、識者から疑問も―能登地震1カ月


2024.02.02 08:20Nation

Acceptance of Volunteers after Noto Quake Said to Be Slow

Some experts argue that the acceptance of volunteers in areas affected by the Jan. 1 Noto Peninsula earthquake has been too slow.
   After the 7.6-magnitude earthquake, the Ishikawa prefectural government initially asked individual volunteers to refrain from going to disaster-affected areas, saying that the areas were not yet ready to accept them. They were then asked to register on a website.
   Volunteers began arriving in earnest only on Saturday, nearly a month after the disaster.
   "Why were they not allowed to go to the disaster areas when there were so many people waiting for help?" said Osaka University professor Tomohide Atsumi, who specializes in disaster sociology. Atsumi has already visited the areas three times since the disaster.
   "I understand that measures could be taken against nuisance volunteers, but I doubt it is right to take the same approach to those who come with good intentions," said Atsumi, who is also vice head of the nonprofit Nippon Volunteer Network Active in Disaster.


