2024.01.29 15:10Nation

豊洲の観光拠点、報道公開 来月1日オープン―東京

 東京都江東区の豊洲市場に隣接する観光施設「豊洲 千客万来」が2月1日に開業するのを前に、施設を運営する万葉倶楽部(神奈川県小田原市)は29日、メディア向け内覧会を開いた。商業棟と温浴棟の2棟構成で、年間260万人の来客を見込む。2018年に旧築地市場(中央区)が豊洲に移転して約5年。千客万来の開業で、一連の移転事業は完了する。
 施設の敷地面積は約1万840平方メートル。商業棟「豊洲場外 江戸前市場」は江戸の街並みを再現し、65店舗が入居。すしやうなぎなど江戸前の食が楽しめる飲食店街などが並ぶ「豊洲目抜き大通り」と、仲卸業者が目利きした魚介類などを食べ歩きできる「目利き横丁」がある。
 温浴棟「東京豊洲 万葉倶楽部」は24時間営業。東京湾を望む露天風呂やウオーターフロントを一望できる展望足湯庭園、岩盤浴などがある。

2024.01.29 15:10Nation

Toyosu Tourist Facility Shown to Press ahead of Thursday Opening

A tourist facility built next to Tokyo's Toyosu wholesale market was unveiled to the press Monday ahead of its grand opening on Thursday.
   The opening of the Toyosu Senkyaku Banrai tourist facility is the last part of a project that relocated the former Tsukiji food market in the Japanese capital's Chuo Ward to the Toyosu district in Koto Ward in 2018.
   The tourist facility, run by Manyo Club Co., is built on a site with an area of about 10,840 square meters. It comprises a shopping and restaurant building and a bathing building, and expects 2.6 million visitors annually.
   The shopping building, Toyosu Jogai Edomae Ichiba, recreates the cityscape of the Edo period (1603-1867) and houses 65 stores. It includes the Toyosu Menuki Odori zone, featuring eateries which offer Edo-style sushi and "unagi" eels, and the Mekiki Yokocho zone, where visitors can enjoy fisheries selected by wholesalers.
   The bathing building, Tokyo Toyosu Manyo Club, will operate around the clock and features an open-air bath facing Tokyo Bay, a foot bath garden with a view of the capital's waterfront area and a "ganbanyoku" bedrock sauna.


