2024.01.22 13:32Nation

県立高学食で本格イタリアン 給食業者破綻で転換―広島

 新しい委託先探しが難航する中、久保薫校長の教え子で、地元のイタリア料理店「RISTORANTE ALVERO」のシェフを務める木村さんに白羽の矢が立った。全国コンクールで5度の決勝進出経験がある本格シェフの木村さんは、提案を受けた際は「むちゃな話だ」と困惑した。それでも、「培った知識、技術を役立てたい、力になりたい」との思いから引き受けたという。
 新たな学食「Mensa Buono KANON」は昨年12月8日にオープン。メニューはトマトソースパスタのセット(600円)と、同じソースをご飯にかけたイタリアンライスのセット(500円)の2種類。当面は赤字見込みだが、品数を絞り予約制とすることで作業効率化と食品ロス削減を図り、収支改善を目指す。

2024.01.22 13:32Nation

Students Enjoy Italian Food at School Cafeteria in Hiroshima

Students are enjoying authentic Italian food at a Hiroshima high school cafeteria supervised by the chef of a local Italian restaurant after the collapse of a food services company based in the western Japan city.
   The cafeteria at Hiroshima Kanon Senior High School closed after the supply of cooking ingredients stopped in September last year due to the company's collapse.
   Finding a new operator for the cafeteria was not easy, but the school approached Tadahiro Kimura, 51-year-old chef at Ristorante Alvero, who is a former student of the school's principal, Kaoru Kubo.
   Kimura, a five-time finalist in national Italian culinary competitions, was surprised by the school's offer but accepted it, hoping to use his knowledge and skills to help the school.
   The school cafeteria reopened on Dec. 8 last year as Mensa Buono Kanon, offering two lunch sets; one including pasta with tomato sauce for 600 yen and the other with rice served with tomato sauce on top for 500 yen.


