2024.01.19 14:32Nation

年金支給額、2.7%プラス 24年度、2年連続目減り―厚労省


2024.01.19 14:32Nation

Japan to Raise Pension Benefits 2.7 Pct in FY 2024

Japan will raise public pension benefits by 2.7 pct in fiscal 2024 starting in April, up for the second straight year, the welfare ministry said Friday.
   The size of increase will be smaller than that of consumer inflation because the ministry will activate what is called the macroeconomic slide mechanism to curb benefit payments to help stabilize pension finances.
   The revision, to be reflected in benefits from April, will mark the biggest rise since the 3.3 pct growth scored in fiscal 1992.
   "The macroeconomic slide is a mechanism to make the public pension system sustainable for the future. We want the public to understand its role," welfare minister Keizo Takemi told a press conference.
   Japan revises pension benefits every fiscal year to take into account changes in prices over the past year and wages over the past three years.


