2023.12.01 07:24Nation

米、オスプレイの飛行継続 「正式な停止要請ない」―国防総省


2023.12.01 07:24Nation

U.S. Still Flying Ospreys after Fatal Crash in Japan

The U.S. military is still flying Osprey transport aircraft in Japan even after the recent fatal crash of an Osprey in southwestern Japan, the Defense Department said Thursday.
   "As of right now, we are still continuing to operate the Osprey aircraft," Sabrina Singh, deputy press secretary of the Pentagon, told a press conference.
   Osprey planes have been confirmed flying over Okinawa Prefecture, not far from the crash site, although the Japanese government has repeatedly requested U.S. forces in Japan to ground Ospreys.
   Regarding the Japanese moves, Singh said, "I'm not tracking an official request received here at the department."
   The United States have a "commitment to safety" in operating Ospreys, she said, adding that if the ongoing probes into the crash "yield (any) results that require the department to change anything about the Osprey or to take additional steps, we will certainly do that."


