2023.12.01 07:08Nation

トランプ氏は日米韓関係重視 ハガティ前駐日大使

 ウィリアム・ハガティ氏 17年8月~19年7月に駐日米大使。20年の上院選で出身地のテネシー州から出馬し当選。ボストンコンサルティンググループ勤務時に約3年間の東京駐在経験がある。クリシー夫人との間に4子。バンダービルト大法科大学院修了。(2023/12/01-07:08)

2023.12.01 07:08Nation

Trump Weighing U.S.-Japan-S. Korea Ties: Ex-Envoy to Japan

U.S. Sen. William Hagerty said Wednesday that former U.S. President Donald Trump, who aims to return to power in next year's presidential election, is hoping to maintain ties with Japan and South Korea.
   Speaking to members of the press, including Jiji Press, in Washington, Hagerty, who served as U.S. ambassador to Japan under the Trump administration, said that Trump has "a deep desire" to continue the trilateral relationship.
   While Trump was criticized for neglecting his country's alliances with other nations during his time as president, Hagerty said, "I think there should be no concern about his attitude toward alliances when it comes to the Indo-Pacific region."
   The Republican senator has close ties with Trump, such as joining his camp in the 2016 presidential election.
   Hagerty indicated that the current efforts by President Joe Biden, a Democrat, to deepen U.S.-Japan-South Korea ties will not be affected if Trump, who is the front-runner for the Republican nomination, wins the 2024 U.S. presidential election.


