2023.11.23 15:01Nation

渋谷駅「一周」可能に 新大型施設、30日完成―東急不動産

 東急不動産は23日、渋谷駅南西側に隣接し30日に完成する新たな大型複合施設「Shibuya Sakura Stage(渋谷サクラステージ)」の内覧会を開催した。東急グループが同駅周辺で進める大規模再開発で残された最後の地区で、歩行者デッキなどで他の施設とつながり、地上に降りずに駅の周囲を徒歩で一周できるようになる。

2023.11.23 15:01Nation

New Complex to Allow Pedestrians to Circle around Shibuya Station

Tokyu Land Corp. offered a preview of a new large complex located just southwest of Shibuya Station in Tokyo on Thursday, before its scheduled completion at the end of this month.
   The complex, Shibuya Sakura Stage, allows people to circle around the busy train station on foot via pedestrian decks and other walkways, without having to use roads on the ground.
   Areas around the station have been often called a "labyrinth" as they are divided by railway tracks of East Japan Railway Co., or JR East, and a major national route. There are growing hopes that the completion of the new complex will put an end to the situation.
   Shibuya Station is one of the busiest train stations in Japan, used for trains of JR East, Tokyu Corp., Keio Corp. and Tokyo Metro Co., a subway operator.
   Tokyu Land plans to hold a commemorative event next summer, when many stores and other facilities in Shibuya Sakura Stage will have been open.


