2023.11.21 11:48Nation

日中首脳会談、岸田首相「大きな成果」 官民一体でウクライナ復興―衆院予算委


2023.11.21 11:48Nation

Kishida Calls Last Week's Summit with Xi Great Achievement

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said Tuesday that his summit with Chinese President Xi Jinping in San Francisco last week was a "great achievement" amid soured bilateral relations over Japan's release of tritium-containing treated water from a crippled nuclear plant into the sea.
   The summit was a "great achievement in that we confirmed our stance of accumulating dialogue," Kishida said at a House of Representatives committee meeting.
   Regarding a conference on Ukraine's economic reconstruction to be held in Tokyo on Feb. 19, the prime minister said that he will emphasize Japan's public-private initiative for Ukraine's reconstruction.
   On the 2025 World Exposition in the western city of Osaka, Kishida said that global interactions are important at a time when countries are said to be turning inward.


