2023.11.20 22:38Nation

戦闘機開発機関、来年度設立へ 日英伊防衛相


2023.11.20 22:38Nation

Japan, Britain, Italy to Set Up Fighter Development Body in FY '24

Japan, Britain and Italy are working to set up an international organization for their joint development of a next-generation fighter jet in around fiscal 2024, Japanese Defense Minister Minoru Kihara has told reporters.
   Kihara made the remark to reporters Monday after a video conference with British Defense Secretary Grant Shapps and Italian Defense Minister Guido Crosetto, where they affirmed cooperation over the fighter development program.
   The organization, expected to be set up in Britain, will put together a list of the three nations' fighter performance requirements and place orders for the aircraft to be manufactured by a joint venture that will be established by companies participating in the program.
   Kihara indicated the possibility of holding a face-to-face meeting among the three officials in the near future to reach a definitive agreement.


