2023.11.20 09:48Nation

13兆円の補正予算案を国会提出 物価高対策・賃上げ促進―政府


2023.11.20 09:48Nation

Japan Govt Submits 13-T.-Yen Draft Extra Budget to Diet

The Japanese government Monday submitted to the Diet a draft supplementary budget for fiscal 2023 calling for 13,199.2 billion yen in general-account spending to mainly finance an economic package.
   The government aims to have the budget enacted by the end of the current extraordinary session of the country's parliament set for Dec. 13.
   Of the total spending, 13,127.2 billion yen will go to the economic package, which was adopted by the government earlier this month.
   For the package, around 2.7 trillion yen will be spent on measures tackling soaring prices, 1.3 trillion yen to achieve sustainable wage hikes and regional economic growth, and 3.4 trillion yen to boost the country's growth potential and domestic investments.
   The package also features 70,000-yen handouts to low-income households exempt from paying resident tax and an extension of programs to mitigate the burden of rising electricity, gas and gasoline bills until the end of next April.


