2023.11.03 23:01Nation

元大関朝潮の長岡末弘さん死去、67歳 先代高砂親方、朝青龍らの師匠―大相撲


2023.11.03 23:01Nation

Asashio, Ex-Ozeki Champion in Sumo, Dies at 67

Former Japanese professional sumo wrestler Asashio, who held the rank of ozeki champion, has died at the age of 67, officials related to the Japan sumo association said Friday.
   Asashio, whose real name was Suehiro Nagaoka, also headed Takasago stable after retirement, training wrestlers such as Asashoryu, who became yokozuna grand champion.
   While attending Kindai University, Asashio, a native of the city of Muroto, Kochi Prefecture, western Japan, became the first on record to win both the national university sumo championship and the all-Japan amateur sumo championship for the second straight year.
   He then joined Takasago stable and debuted on the professional sumo ring at the makushita third-highest division in the March 1978 grand tournament.
   Asashio was soon promoted to the juryo second-highest division in the July 1978 tournament and to the makuuchi top division in the November tournament in the same year. After joining the makuuchi division, he changed his ring name from Nagaoka, his family name, to Asashio.


