2023.09.19 06:04Nation

基地問題、国際社会も関心を 沖縄知事、国連人権理で訴え


2023.09.19 06:04Nation

Gov. Seeks Global Attention on U.S. Base Concentration in Okinawa

Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki on Monday urged the global community to take more interest in the issue of U.S. military bases in Japan being concentrated in the southernmost Japan prefecture.
   Speaking at a U.N. Human Rights Council session on international order held in Geneva, Switzerland, Tamaki said that the overwhelming presence of U.S. bases in Okinawa "threatens the peace and prevents the equal participation in decision-making."
   Tamaki became the second incumbent governor of Okinawa Prefecture to talk about the U.S. base situation in the prefecture at a U.N. Human Rights Council session, with the previous being his immediate predecessor, the late Takeshi Onaga, in 2015.
   At Monday's session, Tamaki noted that despite Okinawa only accounting for 0.6 pct of Japan's national land area, it currently hosts around 70 pct of all U.S. military bases in the Asian nation.
   He brought up the 2019 prefectural referendum that showed the majority of Okinawa residents were opposed to the planned relocation of the U.S. Marine Corps' Futenma air base in the Okinawa city of Ginowan to a replacement facility to be built in the Henoko coastal area in the Okinawa city of Nago.


