2020.02.04 08:43Nation

土地適正管理、所有者に責務 基本法改正案を決定―政府


2020.02.04 08:43Nation

Japan Govt OKs Bill to Tackle Issue of Unclear Land Ownership

The Japanese government approved at a cabinet meeting Tuesday a bill to revise the Basic Act for Land in a move aimed at preventing an increase of land plots with no identified owners by clarifying land owners' responsibilities.
   In Japan, land with uncertain ownership is expected to increase as demand for land is on the decline due to a decreasing and aging population.
   The government hopes to tackle the problem by clearly defining the responsibilities of land owners with respect to the appropriate use and management of land.
   It will be the first full-scale amendment of the act since its enactment in 1989.
   The revised law would oblige land owners to clarify their rights and the boundaries of their land.


