2023.05.24 16:33Nation

女川原発差し止め認めず 「危険性立証すべき」―仙台地裁

 東北電力の話 当社の主張を理解いただいた結果だと受け止めている。(2023/05/24-16:33)

2023.05.24 16:33Nation

Japan Court Rejects Injunction against Onagawa N-Plant Reactor

A Japanese district court on Wednesday dismissed a lawsuit demanding an injunction against the restart of the No. 2 reactor at Tohoku Electric Power Co.'s Onagawa nuclear plant, over purported issues with an evacuation plan.
   Sendai District Court rejected the demand by residents living near the plant, which straddles the city of Ishinomaki and town of Onagawa, both in Miyagi Prefecture, northeastern Japan. The plaintiffs plan to appeal the ruling.
   The plaintiffs, comprising 17 Ishinomaki residents living within a 30-kilometer radius of the plant, claimed that the evacuation plan for a possible nuclear accident, formulated by the city and prefectural governments, was ineffective.
   They argued that the plan was not clear on the timing of the opening of inspection sites to check for radioactive materials on evacuees, and that residents faced risks of radiation exposure.
   "In demanding an injunction against a nuclear plant, plaintiffs have a responsibility to prove the specific danger of an accident," Presiding Judge Mitsuhiro Saito said. The judge said the injunction request cannot be accepted because the plaintiffs have not proved the specific danger at the No. 2 reactor of the Onagawa plant. He did not make a judgment about the effectiveness of the evacuation plan.


