2020.01.26 07:18Nation

寒ブリ、脂乗った山陰産がお買い得 豊漁でスーパーなどが特売




2020.01.26 07:18Nation

Fatty Yellowtail from Sanin Region Gaining Popularity

Fatty yellowtail caught in the Sea of Japan off the Sanin western Japan region at the peak of winter is increasingly attracting consumers as prices are going down thanks to a big haul.
   Winter yellowtail caught from around November in waters off the city of Himi in Toyama Prefecture, part of the Hokuriku central region on the Sea of Japan coast, is particularly famous in the country.
   Catches in waters off Tottori and Shimane prefectures, both in Sanin, begin to increase in January. "The meat quality of yellowtail from Sanin is as good as the brand fish from Hokuriku," an official at a fish wholesaler at the Toyosu wholesale food market in Tokyo said.
   Thanks to the good catches, the amount of winter yellowtail shipped from Sanin to the Toyosu market has started to rapidly increase recently.
   A total of some 13,000 yellowtail were put up for sale at Toyosu in the six days to Saturday, up 70 pct from a year earlier, and wholesale prices fell 20-30 pct to around 700 yen per kilogram. Subsequently, prices of the prestigious Himi brand yellowtail also declined.


