2020.01.25 21:35Nation

ロシア側に営業秘密提供か ソフトバンク元社員、容疑で逮捕―警視庁


2020.01.25 21:35Nation

Japanese Man Nabbed for Obtaining Biz Secrets for Russia Officials

Tokyo police on Saturday arrested a Japanese man on suspicion of illegally obtaining trade secrets of a major communications company for which he was working after being instigated to do so by two Russian officials at the office of the Russian trade representative in Japan.
   Held by the Metropolitan Police Department for alleged violation of the unfair competition prevention law was Yutaka Araki, a 48-year-old resident of the city of Urayasu in Chiba Prefecture, east of Tokyo.
   The police also requested the two Russian men, believed to be intelligence officials, to appear for questioning through organizations including the Japanese Foreign Ministry.
   The MPD suspects that Araki accessed a server of the company in Tokyo on Feb. 18 last year and obtained two sets of trade secrets to which he had been related without approval from the firm.
   One of the Russian officials, who is a diplomat, is suspected of having abetted Araki to get the information. The other man, who may also have been involved in the case, returned to Russia around spring 2017, according to the police.


