2020.01.25 13:02Nation

五輪の影響、知事選事務にも 開票所の会場確保など―東京




2020.01.25 13:02Nation

Olympics Affecting Work for Tokyo Governor Election

Administrative work related to a Tokyo gubernatorial election in July has been affected by the Summer Olympic Games starting later that month in the Japanese capital.
   Four of Tokyo's 23 special wards--Bunkyo, Sumida, Shinagawa and Ota--have told Jiji Press that they decided to change facilities to be used for vote-counting in the July 5 election.
   Ota Ward started last autumn to look for an alternative site as a local sports facility that is normally used for vote-counting work will be lent out to a Brazilian handball team for practicing in the run-up to the quadrennial event.
   The ward has decided to use an industrial building about 3 kilometers from the sports facility. "We'll use the building for the first time, so we'll try to make sure that the vote-counting work will be carried out with no mistakes," an official of the ward said.
   Sumida Ward has secured a hall adjacent to its office building, after it learned last summer that a large local gym conventionally used for vote-counting had been chosen as an official training venue for boxing for the Olympic Games.


