2020.01.24 16:08Nation

「海岸プラごみ」写真で提示 レジ袋削減へ、コンビニで実験―経産省


2020.01.24 16:08Nation

Japan Ministries to Test Ways to Cut Number of Plastic Bags

Japan's industry ministry said Friday that it will launch a demonstration experiment next week at convenience stores at three government ministries and one agency to test ways to reduce the number of plastic shopping bags.
   The experiment will be conducted for three weeks from Monday at convenience stores at the industry ministry and the finance and foreign ministries as well as the Japan Patent Office.
   The ministries and the JPO have created their own cards allowing convenience store customers to show whether they need a plastic shopping bag.
   The test, which will examine which cards are the most effective in reducing the number of plastic shopping bags, is based on "nudge theory," aimed at leading people to take a favorable action without relying on regulations.
   The card made by the Finance Ministry says "no plastic bags," with customers asked to show it only when they need no shopping bags at the cash register.


