2020.01.24 12:43Nation

「責任能力争うのは間違い」 初の被告人質問・相模原殺傷公判―横浜地裁


2020.01.24 12:43Nation

Deadly Care-Home Attacker Rejects Own Defense on Sanity

The alleged murderer in a 2016 massacre at a care home for mentally disabled people in eastern Japan contradicted his defense team's arguments, disputing the need to question his sanity during questioning on Friday.
   In the eighth hearing of his trial at Yokohama District Court, Satoshi Uematsu, 30, said that he thinks it is wrong to contest his ability to bear criminal responsibility.
   The defense had asked the court to acquit him or reduce his sentence, claiming that he was in a state of insanity or diminished capacity during the attack at the now-defunct Tsukui Yamayuri-en, where Uematsu was a former worker.
   Uematsu said he "began to believe there was no need" for severely disabled people who cannot communicate with others when he started working at the care home.
   He said he decided that such people should be euthanized after he was involuntarily hospitalized some five months before the incident.


