2023.02.06 16:50Nation

宅見将典さんが米グラミー賞 ビヨンセさん、歴代最多受賞

 宅見さんは大阪市出身。ロックバンドでの活動を経て、ソロでEXILEやDA PUMPのほか、海外アーティストへの楽曲提供やプロデュースなどを手掛けてきた。歌手の故西城秀樹さんのおいとしても知られる。
 受賞作は昨年9月に「Masa Takumi」名義で発表。宅見さんは授賞式後に「今、世界中でたくさんの悲しい出来事が起こっています。誰もが持つそれぞれの心の中にある美しい花を咲かせてほしいと願ってこの作品を作曲しました」とのコメントを発表した。

2023.02.06 16:50Nation

Japanese Musician Masanori Takumi Wins Grammy

Japanese composer and arranger Masanori Takumi on Sunday won the 2023 Grammy Award for Best Global Music Album for "Sakura," which features traditional Japanese musical instruments such as the shamisen.
   The 44-year-old, a nephew of the late Japanese singer Hideki Saijo, obtained a Grammy for the first time. Previously, he was nominated in the Best Global Music Album category, but missed the prize.
   Takumi, from the western Japan prefecture Osaka, played in "siren," a Japanese rock band, and then started to offering songs to and produce Exile and Da Pump, both all-male Japanese dance and music groups, and other artists.
   Takumi released Sakura in September 2022 under the name "Masa Takumi."
   At the 65th Grammy Awards ceremony, U.S. instrumental band Snarky Puppy's "Empire Central," joined by Japanese percussionist Keita Ogawa, 40, was named the Best Contemporary Instrumental Album.


