2020.01.20 12:34Nation

通常国会が召集 波乱含み、年内解散も視野





2020.01.20 12:34Nation

Diet Session Starts, with Eyes on Possible Snap Election

The Diet, Japan's parliament, started a 150-day ordinary session on Monday, with lawmakers bracing for a possible snap general election within this year.
   The Liberal Democratic Party-Komeito ruling coalition aims to get the fiscal 2020 draft budget and a fiscal 2019 supplementary budget bill through the Diet as soon as possible to fund a major stimulus package.
   "The early enactment of the budget bills is the greatest stimulus step," Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told a meeting of his LDP colleagues.
   The ruling coalition plans then to focus on bills for social security system reform. The LDP will also pour effort into advancing talks on constitutional reform, a longstanding goal of Abe.
   Speculation is mounting that Abe could dissolve the House of Representatives, the power lower chamber of parliament, for a snap election this year, before his current term as LDP president expires in September 2019.


