2020.01.20 13:10World eye


【ネピドーAFP=時事】交流サイト(SNS)最大手、米フェイスブックは18日、盛んに喧伝(けんでん)されている中国の習近平国家主席のミャンマー訪問中、ビルマ語から英語への翻訳で習主席の名前が「Mr Shithole(ミスター・シットホール=ミスター・くその穴)」と誤訳されていたことを謝罪した。(写真はミャンマーの首都ネピドーにある大統領府で、会談を前に握手する中国の習近平国家主席(左)とアウン・サン・スー・チー国家顧問)
 しかし、フェイスブックの自動翻訳機能がビルマ語から英語への翻訳で、「習近平」を「Mr Shithole」と誤訳したことで、この歴史的瞬間もかすんでしまった。
 18日には「中国の国家主席、Mr Shitholeが午後4時に到着」と発表され、続いて「中国の国家主席、Mr Shitholeが下院の芳名帳に記帳した」と投稿された。
2020.01.20 13:10World eye

IT happens-- Facebook sorry for Xi Jinping's name gaffe

Facebook apologised Saturday for a distasteful mistranslation of Chinese President Xi Jinping's name from Burmese language posts during his much-touted visit to Myanmar.
His two-day visit to Myanmar's capital Naypyidaw was the first made by a Chinese leader in almost two decades.
But the historic moment was dimmed by the automatic translation feature on Myanmar's Facebook -- which rendered Xi Jinping's name from Burmese into English as Mr Shithole.
The scatalogical error most notably appeared on the official Facebook page of Myanmar's civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi.
Mr Shithole, President of China arrives at 4 PM, said a translated announcement posted earlier Saturday.
President of China, Mr. Shithole, signed a guest record of the house of representatives, it continued.
A Facebook spokesperson told AFP the social platform has fixed the issue regarding Burmese to English translations on their site.
We sincerely apologise for the offense this has caused, they said in an emailed statement.
The company said it was unable to give any further details about whether the embarrassing error was due to a hack, software issues or something else.
Tech-nascent Myanmar loves Facebook.
The platform is the most popular site for news, entertainment and chat -- many even see it as synonymous with the internet.
Politicians and government agencies also use it for official statements and announcements.
The site -- which has more than two billion users globally -- is restricted in China.


