2020.01.20 08:07Nation

「平等な機会」、日本は15位 教育・仕事で高評価―世界経済フォーラム


2020.01.20 08:07Nation

Japan Ranks 15th in Social Mobility: WEF Report

Japan has the 15th highest level of social mobility in the world, according to a report by the World Economic Forum published Monday.
   Ranking highest among Asian countries, Japan scored high marks for educational and work opportunities. However, Japan's rating was pushed down by low wages for workers.
   Northern European countries dominated the top spots in the social mobility rankings, with Denmark coming first, followed by Norway, Finland, Sweden and Iceland. South Korea came in 25th place, while the United States took 27th and China 45th.
   Higher levels of social mobility mean higher degrees in the quality of opportunities given to citizens in a surveyed country.
   The top 10 pct wealthiest people in the world earn some 3.5 times more than the bottom 40 pct on global average, the report said. It noted that while low social mobility increases inequality, an improvement in mobility will help bring about economic growth.


