2020.01.17 21:29Nation

日米同盟に改めて懸念 平和条約交渉でロシア外相




2020.01.17 21:29Nation

Lavrov Again Shows Concern over Japan-U.S. Alliance

Russian acting Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov again expressed his view that the Japan-U.S. alliance has been a source of concern for the Russian side in proceeding with bilateral peace treaty negotiations with Japan.
   Speaking at a New Year press conference in Moscow on Friday, Lavrov said he has never felt that Japanese leaders have some malicious intent over their country's relations with Russia.
   But he added that the United States has used the alliance with Japan with the intention of containing Russia, citing documents and statements related to the alliance.
   Japan is part of such U.S. military strategies, Lavrov said.
   He then pointed to the importance of dialogue, expressing a stance of calling for explanations from the Japanese side.


