2020.01.17 17:04Nation

死刑制度、8割が容認 難民受け入れ「慎重」5割超―内閣府調査


2020.01.17 17:04Nation

80 Pct in Japan Tolerate Capital Punishment System

A Cabinet Office survey showed Friday that 80.8 pct of the Japanese public tolerates the capital punishment system.
   Only 9.0 pct think the system should be abolished, according to the government agency's survey on the legal system, conducted every five years.
   Public tolerance of the death penalty system exceeded 80 pct for the fourth consecutive time since 2004, showing that the country's widespread support for the system remains intact.
   Asked for reasons, with multiple answers allowed, 56.6 pct of the respondents tolerating death penalty said that the anger of the victims' side can never be eased if capital punishment is abolished and offenders are allowed to live, and 53.6 pct said that heinous crimes should be paid for with the life of the perpetrator.
   Of those calling for the abolition of capital punishment, 50.7 pct cited possible miscarriages of justice, and 42.3 pct said that offenders should continue living to atone for their crimes.


