2022.12.21 21:15Nation

家計の資産、平均1291万円 株価下落で減少―金融広報委


2022.12.21 21:15Nation

Japan Household Financial Assets Average 12.91 M. Yen in 2022

The average amount of financial assets held by households with two or more members in Japan stood at 12.91 million yen in 2022, a group of financial institutions including the Bank of Japan reported Wednesday.
   The average fell from the previous year's 15.63 million yen, due chiefly to declines in income and the value of securities holdings, the Central Council for Financial Services Information said.
   The latest figure included 5.62 million yen in savings, 4.18 million yen in securities and 2.51 million yen in insurance.
   In the group's survey, 41.1 pct of respondents who saw their assets decline said they cashed in financial assets to cover drops in regular income. Such people accounted for 51.8 pct in the previous survey.
   The proportion of those who attributed their asset declines to lower stock and bond prices grew to 26.6 pct from 16.2 pct.


