2020.01.17 17:02Nation

内閣支持横ばい40% 「桜」説明、納得できぬ8割―時事世論調査



2020.01.17 17:02Nation

Abe Cabinet Approval Rate Little Changed at 40.4 Pct: Jiji Poll

The approval rate for Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's cabinet in January slid 0.2 point from the previous month to 40.4 pct, a Jiji Press survey showed Friday.
   The disapproval rate rose 1.7 points to 37.0 pct, according to the nationwide survey, which was conducted by face-to-face interviews for four days through Monday.
   Support for the cabinet was affected only to a limited extent by the arrest of House of Representatives member Tsukasa Akimoto in a casino resort-linked bribery case in December as well as the revelation of a breach of law by the government over the handling of guest lists for government-funded annual cherry blossom-viewing parties hosted by Abe.
   Akimoto has quit the Abe-led Liberal Democratic Party.
   As many as 79.1 pct of respondents said they were not persuaded by Abe's explanations related to the parties while 6.6 pct said they were persuaded.


