2022.12.21 18:18Nation

「60年超」対応方針を了承 原発の運転期間延長―規制委


2022.12.21 18:18Nation

NRA OKs Regulation Policy for N-Reactor Operating Life Extension

Japan's Nuclear Regulation Authority on Wednesday approved a basic policy on nuclear regulation tailored to the planned extension of the operating life of nuclear reactors.
   The government will seek opinions on the basic policy from the public and power utilities, based on which it will draw up a bill to revise the nuclear reactor regulation law. It aims to submit the bill to next year's ordinary session of the Diet, Japan's parliament.
   To keep plants running 30 years or longer after the start of their operations, the operators would be required to draw up long-term management plans that show the state of age-related degradation of the plants and management methods, and get approval from the NRA every 10 years, according to the basic policy.
   The nuclear watchdog will not give approval if it concludes that the plants will not meet regulatory standards in 10 years' time.
   The NRA will also check whether the operators are dealing with degradation appropriately. Those that fail to comply will be ordered to implement necessary measures.


